| Middle East |  | Eman (Egypt) I was born on the 13th of July 1977. I'm a corporate lawyer.
How I got to know Magdah? Well, I used to listen only to foreign music and songs and didn't like Arabic music, until one day a friend of mine came to my home with an Arabic tape and she told me that I have to listen to this singer and her songs; so I had to. The song was "Kun Sadiqi" and it was Majida. No words can express or explain how I felt! I immediately fell in love with the lyrics, the music, and of course the great voice and performance of Majida. Since then I have adored this great woman. I bought all her tapes. She always touches not only with her love songs but also through her chosen lyrics and patriotic songs!
No words can give this woman what she deserves. Favorites Kon Sadiqi; Yaqoulo Inni Emra'aton; Tawq El Yasamin; Ibhath Anni; El Eyyam |
|  | Gisele (Lebanon) I was born on the 27 of April 1978. Currently, I live in the north, with a great family. At 17, I entered the Lebanese University, where I studied Law for 4 years; now, I am working on my doctorate. I have many hobbies & interests including all kind of sports, reading but the most important is Music...
What should I say about music? I can't imagine myself living without it... & my best singer is definitely Majida El Roumi.
Why ????? Look in her eyes and sure you will find all the answers; they resume all personality: calm, peace, love, beauty..... Favorites Kalimat; Kil Shi am Yikhlas; Lan A'oud; Yaqoulo Inni Emra'aton; Ya Sakin Afkari |
|  | Hanan (Palestine) I was born on the 25 June 1975; I live in Abu-Snan village in the Galilee. I’m a kindergarten teacher; I finished my studies in 1999. My hobbies are Arabic poems & music. Favorites Kolloun Youghanni Ala Leilah; Kun Sadiqi; Maa' Jarida; Ibhath Anni; Ohibouka Wa Baad |
|  | Maisa (Palestine) Hey.... I was born on 2nd July 1983 and live in Jerusalem. I adore Majida. My story with this great singer began when I heard Kalimat; I was still a little girl, but I just felt something different that I can't explain and started listening to that song every day. I had the interest to know all her songs and everything about her; the funny thing is that I didn't like her before.
The singing angel is the one who fills my emptiness, kills the loneliness, and takes me to dream lands where there is peace and beauty, with her lovely warm voice, that no one can do anything about, but to surrender his heart and emotions to it. |
|  | Mariam (Lebanon) Hi. I'm Mariam from Lebanon. I am an engineer and currently finishing a Masters Degree in Business. I started listening to Mme Majida in 1991, and luckily, I got to know her in person as well. I consider I got myself a new friend when I met her, and I hope I can show her how much I appreciate the gentleness and friendliness with which she has always treated me. Favorites Yaqoulo Inni Emra'aton; Tourab Al Janoub; Lan A'oud; Matrahak Bi Albi; Ana Habbaytak Ana |
|  | Marina (Lebanon) I am Marina from Lebanon , one of Majida's craziest fan.
I am studying pedagology and working in a nursery, so raising a whole generation to love “the Lebanese diva” as much as I do and even more.
I would like to talk about the time I saw her when she was singing for ‘Rafka’; I tried to get near her as much as I can, and told her: “Majida, I love you above the imagination”; she looked at me and I can never forget that special look. |
|  | Narina (Syria) I'm Narina El-khalil from Syria, One of Majida's craziest fans. I was born on the 20th of Nov 1986. I have many hobbies and interests include all kinds of Music and playing piano, accordion and Organ, my best singer is definitely Majida El Roumi. I adore great woman. I used to listen only to foreign music and songs and didn't like Arabic music, until one day, I heard Kalimat; I just felt something different that I can't explain, No words can express or explain how I fell when I listen to her songs. Concurrently my respect for this amazing person was growing very high; not only I love her voice, but I also love every single detail in her personality... and as much as I heard her songs. Her lovely voice must touch something in you with every single word she sings. She takes me to dream lands where there is peace and beauty, with her. consider I got myself a new friend when I'm listening her, and I hope I can show her how much I appreciate the gentleness with which she has always treated me. Her wonderful character and affecting spirituality touched all my strings and through the years I've became one of her most devoted fans. She always touches not only with her love songs but also through her chosen lyrics and patriotic songs!
Finally, Ill tell you Majida that I love you like loving life, and there's No words can give you what you deserve. Favorites Kalimat, Kon Sadiqi; Ibhath Anni; All her songs, one by one |
|  | Radwa (Egypt) I love the adorable Lebanese singer Majida El Roumi. I first saw her on a TV interview when she sang Ana Albi Dalili (for Laila Mourad), Mouftaraq Tareeq, 3ter, and Ana 7abayetak Ana; ever since that time, I started to collect all her records, and as much as I heard her songs, I respected her more and more. She has a strong personality full of confidence in herself and burning emotions for her land and all the Arab countries; her voice must touch something in you with every single word she sings. I had the opportunity to meet her once in Egypt, and at that time I found out how sweet, pure, and lovely my favorite singer is. No wonder she is loved by some non-Arabs as well. Favorites Qana; Mouftaraq Toroq; Kalimat; Etr; Samraa El Nil |
|  | Rania (Lebanon) Hi, I was born on April 10, 1973 in Beirut. I studied accounting and computer and now I work in the accounting department of a Real Estate and contracting company. My hobbies are basket ball, watch all kinds of sports especially tennis.
I started listening to Majida during the 1980's and the first song was '3ter' and then 'Isma3 Albi', and since that time I started following her music and listening to them. I met her in person for the first time in 1994 during a concert in Sursok Museum in the opening of Daraj Al Fan but I didn’t talk to her then. |
|  | Reem (Jordan) Hi everybody. I was born on December 22nd, 1979. I live in Amman while I also work in. I have many interests, as everyone does; I like designing, drawing, writing and I love music (I even I play the organ)...
When I say I love music, this surely means that Majida's songs are the most ones I ever like. Majida has been known by my family since I was a child; I remember that all of my brothers and sisters listening to her lovely old songs such as: Matra7ak Be Albi, Li Anak 3inayeh, 3am Yesa'louni 3leik... Later, I got interested in her songs from the first time I listened to her wonderful Kalimat. The days were passing, and other albums of Majida were released, and concurrently my respect for this amazing person was growing very high; not only I love her voice, but I also love every single detail in her personality... Although I have never been to any of her concerts yet, I do really wish to meet her in person one day. Favorites Kon Sadiqi; Tawq El Yasamin; Kil Shi Am Yekhlas; Sho Bhib Eshar; Yaqoulo Inni Emra'aton |
|  | Rindalla (Lebanon) Hi. Je suis née à Zahlé le 5 juillet 1979 et actuellement j’ai obtenu ma licence en finance à l’université Saint Joseph. Je suis une des plus grandes fanes qu’il puisse exister de Majida el Roumi dans le monde. Je l’adore depuis l’âge de 6ans et la première fois que je l’ai vue restera à jamais un moment inoubliable dans ma mémoire. Cela était en 1992 lors de son concert à Chtoura. Je l’ai attendue deux heures après le concert et lorsqu’elle s’est approchée de moi, je n’ai su quoi dire. Son regard seul m’impressionna et je resta donc sans mots, je fus toute gênée. Mes hobbies sont tous consacrés «LA SIT MAJIDA»: écouter sans arrêt ses chansons, enregistrer chaque émission qui parle de Majida et ses concerts mais le plus important est la collection de magazines que je possède depuis 1992 et qui lui est entièrement dédiée.
Et un grand merci pour Majida pour les moments de bonheur et d’évasion qu’elle fait passer à travers son art hors du commun Favorites Tawq Al Yasamine; Inta El Madi; Matrahak Be Albi; Sayidi El Ra'is; Khidni Habibi |
|  | Rita (Lebanon) Je suis née le 10 novembre 1976. En 2002 j’ai obtenue ma licence en sciences de l’éducation de l’université Saint Esprit de Kaslik. Je suis fière d’être Libanaise car on a un trésor dans ce pays dont tout libanais doivent être fier : c’est notre MAGIDA EL ROUMI. Celle qui a chanté Ya Beirut quand Beyrouth était entrain de vivre sous les bombes cette dame de paix cette grande chanteuse. Merci Magida car grâce à toi je continue à aimer mon Liban notre pays et promit : on va prendre soin de cette terre et de notre indépendance. Favorites ya beirut; okssimo billah; kon sadiki; sakata alkinah; am behlamak |
|  | Ahmed (Egypt) Hi. I was born on 5/11/82. My infatuation with Magda has been steadily growing on different stages of my life. In 1990, when I was 7, I saw her for the first time; she was singing the masterpiece of the legendary Egyptian singer Abd El Haleem Hafez, "Al Toba". I just freaked out! What a voice, what a performance! But because I was so young, I could only appreciate her electrifying good looks! Barely two years later, my father received a lovely gift, songs of Magda from different concerts on videotape. Being older, I began to grasp her vocal powers as well as her magnetic image. By 1992, I bought my first album of Magda, "Kalimat". And 'Magda mania' started! I memorized all her songs and even spent endless hours singing them. I have seen Magda in concert live 4 times and have had the opportunity to have a picture with her. Magda has this picture and I'm sure she's so happy to have seen me! My view of Magda could be summarized as this: her beauty lies in the fact that she's a human, not an angel; she represents a more sublime side of human beings, a side that we must all have. God Bless u Magda! Favorites Mouftaraq Toroq; Kalimat; Ma Ajmal Al 'oushaq; Al Touba; Am Behlamak |
|  | Arar (Jordan) I was born in 1973. In spite of the fact that I am a law graduate, my work field is in human resources.
Since 1983, I have been one of Majida’s fans and I’ll remain so till the end of my life as Majida has become a part of my life and personality: I can breathe her voice. Favorites El Eyyam; Nostalgia; Sayidi El Ra'is; Kil Shi Am Yekhlas; Kolloun Youghanni Ala Leylah |
|  | Bakhous (Lebanon) Hello. I was born in Zgharta in 1978. I moved to the United States in 2001, where I finished my grad school and now I'm working.
I had several opportunities to meet Majida in person, and in every time it felt like the first. Whether you're in her presence, or simply listening to her songs, the feeling is the same: it's like you're under a nice spell and you don't want it to end.
The peace upon her face is angelic, and her charm is overwhelming and everlasting. Favorites Samra' el Nil; Min Lama Elta'ayna; Am Yes'alouni 'leyk; Sho bheb Ishar; Bisma'ak Bil Leil |
|  | Fadi (Syria) I was born in Lattakia in 1980 and my love to Majda goes back to a very early age when my parents brought home the Children's album in 1984. Day by day, her voice became an inseparable part of my soul. Her wonderful character and affecting spirituality touched all my strings and through the years I've became one of her most devoted fans. From her I learned to live, love and have faith. Attending her concerts brings the utmost joy to my life. Through being a fan of hers I've met so many wonderful friends and to that I'm very thankful. Picking five songs of hers to choose as my favorites is impossible. I simply adore all of her songs because I'm so attached to her miraculous voice. But "Lawen ma3i el Ayyam" has a very special place in my heart and it certainly ranks among my very favorite ones, and there are many. |
|  | Jihad (Lebanon) I am Jihad Kahwaji from lebanon bekaa. I was born in December 1977 in my beautiful country kabelias and the sound of the greatest voice the angel al majida in my ears every time i hear (ma 7ada bi3abbe) I remember my childhood and every time I hear (kalimat) I remember my fiance and every time I hear (isma3 albeh) I remember my first love to my fiance and every time i hear (3am yisaalune 3alayk il nas) and (3aynaka) i feel my wife beside me that i love and i cant live without her Favorites Ma 7ada bi3abbe; Kalimat; Isma3 albeh; 3am yisaalune 3alayk il nas; 3aynaka |
|  | Jimmy (Lebanon) This great woman, this humble Diva, and this continuous and uncontrolable explosion of sensations and feelings, sang everything that could be sang and went straight to the target: like a striking arrow, of love, of passion, of joy, of peace, she reached the heart of millions. Favorites Mouftaraq toroq; Nashid el hob; Qana; Tawq el yasamine; Kel chi 3am yekhlass |
|  | Khaldoun (Lebanon) Marhaba, I was born in Beirut in 1975. I graduated from the American University of Beirut with a Master's Degree in Public Administration, and currently I am employed. My hobbies include walking, hiking and other outdoors activities, nature, movies, reading, bowling, traveling, watching football, and of course music.
I belong to what has been called 'the generation of war', a generation which has been lost and torn apart. Searching for an identity, a goal, and a future, I, like many others, were inspired by the majestic voice and the promising songs of the great Fairouz. However, in 1987, I was captured by the attractive personality and superb voice of Majida El Roumi, when I saw her on a TV show singing 'Ana Albi Dalili'. Since then, two divas have overwhelmed my life, Fairouz and Majida.
I was lucky enough to meet Majida in person in Beiteddine in 1991, after addressing her several times through the Lebanese magazine 'Alwan'; it was a dream coming true. All I can add is that Majida is no longer that great artist I see and listen to from a distance; I have seen more of her: her essence, her 'human' side.
Trust me you will love her much more. Personally, now I think of her more as a friend. Favorites Bisma'ak Bil Leil; Bakeer Fellayt; Nostalgia; Mouftaraq Toroq; Matrahak Bi Albi |
|  | Marwan (Palestine) Hello; I was born in 1983. I am Palestinian studying in Egypt right now.
Well the first time I heard Majida was on Jordan TV Channel while she was singing "Kalemat” and I liked her a lot: her voice & appearance.
I love majida as much as I can and my dream is to meet her one day; until then I keep listening to her songs each and every day... day and night. Favorites Kalimat; El Eyyam; Matrahak Bi Albi; Ana Lamma Bward; Hobbouka |
|  | Mohamad (Lebanon) Well, I was born in 16 February 1979 in Tripoli. I graduated with a BS degree from the University of Balamand. My hobbies are walking, reading, eating, and music!!!
I am very much attracted to Majida's songs and she is my best and my favorite… I feel that I love her…yes I do….I love her voice….her purity and her innocence… Her songs drive me to a world of virtual reality where my imagination draws things that would never happen. I listen to Majida since I was around 7 and I become fascinated when she sings. Favorites Bisma'ak Bil Leil; Kalimat; Lan A'oud; Ibhath Anni; Inta El Madi |
|  | Mohamed (Palestine) Needless to say, I am a huge fan of Magida. I loved her ever since I was 2 years old. To me, she has the purest voice ever. It is always a joy for me to listen to her songs, and watch her concerts. All her songs mean something to me, and I love them all. I had the chance to see her in a concert live; I did enjoy her breathtaking voice in reality. Favorites Matrahak Bi Alby; Etr; Lianak 3enai; Kalimat; Tawk el Yasamin |
|  | Mohammad (Egypt) I was born on January 17, 1978. I'm a pharmacist; I like computers, painting (I do paint on porcelain mainly) and music...
The first time I was introduced to majida was through her 'children album' when it reached me by luck. I used to never listen to the words but always watched her & liked the people's reaction. I used to watch her singing 'Matra7ak Be Albi' in a pink dress and till now the song is so special to me. When I was 17, I realized my need to listen to Arabic music and not only classics; I was looking for a singer that I could love and feel.
One day and by chance, I found 'Kalimat' and listened to it; I kept repeating it all the time and that was the great start of the magic... After losing a couple chances to attend her concerts, I finally saw her singing LIVE in Cairo in 1996. I was fascinated and promised myself never to skip any of her concerts I can attend, no matter what. Favorites Meen Elna Ghayerak; Wadaa; Lan A'oud; El Helm Elli Jayeh; Tourab Al Janoub |
|  | Muhammad (Egypt) Hello, I'm 22 yrs old. I'm a graduate of Faculty of Commerce.
The first time I saw Majda was from a long time; she was singing El Toba; she was moving swiftly on the stage, wearing this black dress. After that I heard Kalimat and I remember at that time it got me mad; but then I watched 2 concerts on our TV channel in 2 consecutive days and listened to Kalimat again and again and things changed.
Well, although I can't describe to u my feeling towards Majida, it's enough to tell u that she's behind many decent and beautiful meanings and believes in my life. I admire the way she acts, talks, moves, and dresses: the simplicity in all of that. Favorites Kon Sadiqi; Lan A'oud; Enta El Madi; Shou Bheb Eshar; Kil Shi Am Yekhlas |
|  | Nabeel (Lebanon) The first time I really paid serious attention to Majida was in 1994 when I heard the amazing “Kun Sadiqi”; I rushed to buy the album and fell in love with each song especially “Ib7ath 3ani” and “Lan A3oud”. Since then, Majida had occupied a specific part in my heart cause I was relating personally to her songs. And when I saw her performing live at UNESCO several times, I fell in love with her voice and realized that she is a truly talented lady. Favorites Lan A'oud; Ibhath Anni; El Eyyam; Matrahak Bi Albi; Kil Shi Am Yekhlas |
|  | Omer (Jordan) I was born in 1976. I graduated in February 2000 as a Mechanical Engineer, and since I detest mechanical engineering
I love Majida deeply, I love the person in her more than her songs, but yet her songs really give me that feeling which makes me feel on the top of the world. I first loved her songs in 1984 when I heard her early songs (Matra7ak Be Albi, Ana 3am Be7lam, Min Lama Elta'ayena...). I really went crazy about her songs when I heard Kalimat and Beirut Sit El Dunia, which makes me melt me up to this moment. And when Kun Sadiqi was released it changed my life, my character, and my every thing...
The latest greatest song for me is Yaqoulo Anni Emra'aton; this is a twister not a song...it makes me so calm from outside as if I am a dead body, yet, a volcano from the inside; sometimes I feel I am flying when I listen to it! Anyway, I met Majida 3-4 times here in Jordan...what an amazing lady, full of love and respect for all her friends and fans; if anyone of you has not met her yet and he or she thinks Majida is great, let me tell you this: WAIT TILL YOU MEET HER!!!! Favorites Kalimat; Ibhath Anni; Beirut Sit El Dunia; Yaqoulo Inni Emra'aton; Kon Sadiqi |
|  | Raed (Syria) I am Raed from Syria, born in Kuwait on May 7, 1977; i hold a degree in
tourism. In few simple words, I've learned to love Majida, since my early
days... love her like loving life Favorites El Helm El Jayeh; Bisma'ak Bil Leil; Inta El Madi; Kon Sadiqi; Inta wo Ana |
|  | Said (Palestine) I am Said Zarzar from Bethlehem-Palestine, I am 20 years old, I am a student in Bethlehem University sudying 'Arabic Literature'...well,i have grown up in a family which love Mme Majida..
But as for me i have been that much interested in Mme Majida since 4 years...and i listen for her day and night especially when she does the high levels of Opera she carries my feelings with her above the clouds especially 'Nashid lil 7ob' it is an unbelieviable song she performed the highest level of Opera in it,she makes me feel comfortable when i hear her songs or watch her concerts...i hope that God will keep this diamond for us and for the arab counries because east or west Majidaty is the best ;) Favorites Nasheed lil 7ob; Lan a3oud; Inta el mady; 7abibi; Nabe3 el ma7abbeh |
|  | Samer (Palestine) I listen to Majida's songs since I was a little kid (I can't remember exactly when), but all my life I have been dreaming of meeting her in person. Favorites Kalimat; Ouhiboka Wa Baad; Beirut Sit El Dunia; Samra' el Nil; Tawq El Yasamine |